Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Reflections-Original song on Irish Whistle


This is an original song on the Tony Dixon Low D Irish Whistle and Killarney High D Irish Whistle 

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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

This photo is by Dana Helmig. It is not to be sold. Authorship credit upon copying is to be attributed to ©Copyright 2006 Dana Helmig.

Golden Silk Spider (Pregnant Female, Nephila clavipes) in the Enchanted Forest

You can tell she is pregnant by her large abdomen. The female is much larger than the male. He is tiny.

This photo is by Dana Helmig. It is not to be sold. Authorship credit upon copying is to be attributed to ©Copyright 2006 Dana Helmig.

Southern House Spider (Female, Kukulcania Hibernalis)
The female Southern House Spider is either black or brown and is much larger than the male. The male sometimes is mistaken for a Brown Recluse Spider. They can not see very well and if you are in their way they will walk over you.This particular spider was found in a very dark horse barn. I had to stand on a bucket to get the photograph.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

This photo is by Dana Helmig. It is not to be sold. Authorship credit upon copying is to be attributed to ©Copyright 2006 Dana Helmig.
Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds, Archilochus Colubris
The females have an emerald green back, white breast and throat, rounded tale with white tips. They are larger than the males which also have an emerald green back, ruby red gorget (throat), grey flanks and a forked tail.

The Ruby-Throated Hummingbird is the most common hummingbird in Florida.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

This photo is by Dana Helmig. It is not to be sold. Authorship credit upon copying is to be attributed to ©Copyright 2006 Dana Helmig.
Southern Toad
This toad stays in its burrow all day and comes out at night. You can usually find them around your house as I did. They varie in color from brown, gray, green, black, yellow, orange, and red. The Southern Toad can be a combination of any of these colors. They eat insects, spiders and small bugs.

This photo is by Dana Helmig. It is not to be sold. Authorship credit upon copying is to be attributed to ©Copyright 2006 Dana Helmig.
Cuban Tree Frog
This is an Invasive Species That arrived in Florida in the 1930's. They are the biggest Tree Frogs in North America. They are known to eat other frog species, including their own species. They have a hugh appetite and will eat almost anything that will fit in their mouth, like snakes, lizards, insects and young birds.
This photo is by Dana Helmig. It is not to be sold. Authorship credit upon copying is to be attributed to ©Copyright 2006 Dana Helmig.
Gulf Fritillary
This photo was taken in the Enchanted Forest
This photo is by Dana Helmig. It is not to be sold. Authorship credit upon copying is to be attributed to ©Copyright 2006 Dana Helmig.
Zebra Butterfly
This photo was taken at the Enchanted Forest

This photo is by Dana Helmig. It is not to be sold. Authorship credit upon copying is to be attributed to ©Copyright 2006 Dana Helmig.
Eastern Swallow Tail Butterfly
This photo was taken at the Enchanted Forest.
This photo is by Dana Helmig. It is not to be sold. Authorship credit upon copying is to be attributed to ©Copyright 2006 Dana Helmig.
Red-Shouldered Hawk
Here is the same Red-Shouldered Hawk from a different angle. This was taken in the evening.
This photo is by Dana Helmig. It is not to be sold. Authorship credit upon copying is to be attributed to ©Copyright 2006 Dana Helmig.

Red-Shouldered Hawk
Red-Shouldered Hawks are federally protected. They are considered a bird of prey. It is a violation of the law to harm these beautiful creatures, disturb their eggs or nests, or to possess even a single feather.